Local Control and Accountabilty Plan
2021 Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant
The LCAP is a state required plan that provides details regarding the school district's actions and expenditures to support pupil outcomes and overall performance. The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.
2023-2024 Local Control and Accountability Plan
2022-2023 Local Control and Accountabilty Plan
2021-2022 Local Control and Accountabilty Plan
2020-2021 Learning Continuity Plan
During this time of Distance Learning the District has created a Learning Continuity Plan that will be going to the Governing Board for approval. The draft below was shared with the District Leadership Team (DLT), which is comprised of members from all stakeholder groups and representatives from all schools, on September 3, 2020. The plan was also shared with the District English Learner Advisory Committee, comprised of parents of English Learners and school representatives, on September 4th.
Link : 2020-2021 Learning Continuity Plan
Archive 2019-2020 LCAP Information
Archive 2018-2019 LCAP Information
Archive 2017-2018 LCAP Information
Archive 2016-2017 LCAP Information